借閱次數: 17

 書名:  Ella Enchanted
 作者:  Gail Carson Levine著
 作品語文:  eng
 出版項:  HarperTrophy / New York [1998, c1997]
 稽核項:  1st Harper Trophy ed; 238 p. ; 20 cm
 ISBN/價格:  9780064407052/新臺幣280元
 主題標題--(主題複分):  Fantasy, Children\'s book
 備註:  106上愛書人英文讀書會用書

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In this novel based on the story of Cinderella, Ella struggles against the childhood curse that forces her to obey any order given to her. At birth, Ella of Frell was given the gift of obedience by a fairy. Ella soon realizes that this gift is little better than a curse, for how can she truly be herself if at any time anyone can order her to hop on one foot, or cut off her hand, or betray her kingdom--and she'll have to obey? Ella's quest to break the curse and discover who she really is, is both funny and poignant.